The information below is for those who have previously purchased a CPE course from FCPA and have yet to take their test.
We have made it very easy for students who choose online testing. 95% of our students choose online testing.
Most students fill out their answer sheet as they read the textbook and test questions in the test booklet and then simply transfer their answers online to have it immediately graded. You will then see a list of all of our tests and you simply click on the test you would like to take.
It will then prompt you for your first and last name and email address. Then simply click “Begin the Test.” After taking your test online, your test will be graded automatically. If you have scored at least 70%, you will be asked if you would like to have your certificate emailed or mailed to you. This information is then submitted directly to us by email through our website. If you did not pass it the first time, you may continue to take the test until you receive a passing grade. You will be able to find a link to all of our tests here.
Each course comes with a test booklet containing the test questions and a separate answer sheet. If you do not choose to take the test online, the completed answer sheet may be mailed to us.
Certificates are usually emailed or mailed to you within one business day of receiving your completed test.